
Help support us and/or our members.

Online Donation

WePay* is the recommended method of donating. They accept credit/debt cards and e-checks as both one-time and recurring donations for easy support.

Mail-In Donation

Check only
To donate through the mail via check, make out a check to GNS. Enclose a note with the full name of the member you would like to support. Then mail to..

Amazon Smile

With Amazon Smile you can actually support us without spending any more money than you'd already spend shopping there normally. simply click the link below, follow the instuctions. Go to to shop and 0.5% of the price of eligible products will get donated to GNS on your behalf.

Stock Donator

Do you have stock and want to donate some? Now you can through Stock Donator, click the button below to learn more and get started.

Need help?

If you would like to make any changes to your donation or need help with something related to donations you can email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

* Donations through WePay fall under their privacy policies and you agree to them by using their service.
** "Amazon Smile" is the registered trademark of Amazon. GNS is not affiliated with or endorsed by Amazon.